The Stuffed Dullahan World is an area accessible from the Blood Cell Sea when the Tree of Life is in the Qliphothic state.
This area is a small, looping environment with an imposing feeling emphasized by the background music, where the surroundings consist of blue, gray, and white rectangular objects, alongside blood splatters that resemble red lilies, which is also visible in the background. Two pairs of horizontal lines can also be found along the way.
Two white creatures that resemble stuffed animals lurk the area, one with a light-blue head, and the other being pink. Chainsawing any of them once will detach their heads, which move independently from their bodies. By chainsawing the heads, this will spawn the respectively-colored head in its designated line, which can be done repeatedly until the lines get filled. If you chainsaw either creature's body instead, Urotsuki would be struck by the creature, detaching her head from her body, which would be placed near the entrance, where you can re-attach her head by interacting with her body.
Nexus ā Heart World ā Spherical Space Labyrinth ā Miraculous Waters ā Erythrocyte Maze ā Blood Cell Sea ā Stuffed Dullahan World